This is an open email that I've sent to my local Councillors and the press, it should say it all.
This is an open email to my local Councillors. In particular I write to Councillor Gary Parker who has at least managed to give me comparatively substantial responses to my queries in the past, This is compared to Councillor Allan MacCarthy, who simply said that Councillor Janet Gillman was dealing with the problem (and that after a substantial delay due to "illness"), and Councillor Gillman herself who after a brief (ninety word) letter saying that the current problems were reported with no mention of a longer term plan.
Once again the top of Floyd Road is in an unacceptable state. The blue Clear Away bin that Waste Services said belonged to the local Kebab shop has reappeared and the green bins outside number 2 are full of plastic sacks. There are piles of plastic sacks and opposite, between number 1 and the top of the street, down the alley way are more green bins and plastic sacks with organic waste rotting in the summer hear. The smell is, on this warm Sunday evening, something that is rather impressive. I've attached a number of photos with this message that show the problem, what they don't show is that during the few minutes that it took for me to take them several people walked past me either commenting on the smell or simply wrinkling their noses.
In an email to me dated the 25th of June Councillor Parker told me he was "continuing to deal with issues regarding waste management in the Charlton area." One month has past, how effective can anyone claim that that "dealing" has been. If anyone has the chutzpah to claim that the response has been in any way effective I challenge them to come within a few meters of the top of my street, take a deep breath and then to repeat that same claim.
Councillors Parket, MacCarthy and Gillman have the audacity to claim that they are of the Charlton Ward. My dictionary informs me that the root meaning of the word "ward" is "keep safe, guard."
Consider the following:
1) We've had 7 months of the new bin scheme.
2) We have the same residents and businesses continually soiling my street with the same refuse.
3) Only one of my three Councillors has entered into any form of dialogue what so ever with me.
4) Councillor MacCarthy has himself been appointed to the role of Deputy Mayor of the borough.
I claim that not one of my Councillors, or indeed the Council itself, cares for, keeps safe or guards my local area.
They know about what is happening but still it continues to happen.
To be ignorant of a problem and to do nothing to resolve it is one thing.
To be aware of a problem and to still fail, or worse to not attempt, to resolve it is surely worse.
And this is how they tackle so simple an issue as to keep the streets clean and safe. Do they ask, or expect, us to trust them to deal with anything more serious?
And so once again I challenge my local Councillors to step up to that which they promised. I challenge them to care for, keep safe and guard the people that elected them into office.
You choose to stand for office, so now show that you stand for your residents or continue to prove that you simply don't care.