Wednesday, June 06, 2007

Whote lotta honking

There's been a right racket in Charlton this morning, dozens of car horns. At first I wondered if there was a big traffic jam on the tunnel approach but then I realised it was closer than that.

Making their way up to Charlton Church Lane were dozens and dozens of taxi cabs festooned with balloons and honking away life crazy.

It turns out that the Albany Charity are having an excursion taking special needs children to the seaside. They had been gathering at Charlton Football ground, it now seems to be the charity's official departure point.

It's a real shame that I don't have access to my camera today, it really was quite a sight.

Today they're off to Hastings, on Monday the 9th of July they're back in Charlton and heading to Margate. I'll try and have my camera handy for that one.

What a pleasant and heart warming surprise on a pretty grey morning :)

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